
Caught my first ever sneak preview at Marina Square last night, "Body #19". It's yet another Thai horror 'moral' story...

Body #19

Sneak preview exclusively for GV Movie Club Members. The latest Thai horror from the producers of "Alone" and "Shutter"....

I like "I Am Legend"

Because there's Will Smith. Because 80% of the drama and action are Will Smith. Because he is the only reason this movie is not a flop. ...

Piero Manzoni

I surfed a mapcap today, an Italian Piero Manzoni. Super amusing by one of installations: Socle du Monde (Base of the World - Homage to Gal...


Busy in my own ways and I like it! Working, going out, settling Jay concert stuffs and designing. So busy that I didn't even bothered to...

超级星光大道II 败部复活赛

超级星光大道II在今年7月星光I毕业典礼之后,便紧锣密鼓地展开。历时5个月的激战,到上个星期五为止,4强已经诞生。很可惜,4强中已经没了黄美珍、梁文音与魏如昀。但据说下一集的星光II却又有了新的结构【败部复活赛】!也就是新加坡歌唱比赛中,令人又爱又狠的【翻身战】。 敗部復活的【錄...

Post Exams

Honestly I'm too lazy to write anything. It's too much & I'm too confused. I'm leaving this land in 3 days' time. Co...

Never ending

没完没了 没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·没完没了·没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·没完没了·没完没了·没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·没完没了·没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·没完没了 没完没了 没完没了·没完没了 没完没了·...

《我不配》 MV

今天终于去领新专辑了!耶!因为约了易整,反正得出门,所以就顺便去领了。天哪,我真的要变成宅女了。 除了《牛仔很忙》外,其他的曲目都没有多大的惊喜。觉得少了很多之前都会加入的“会令坊间啧啧称奇与讨论”的题材,比如辱骂狗仔,歌颂妈妈,发音超标准的中国风,独特的中西合并... 反而重复...


简直是笑爆了!好久没有这样放声的笑,而且还整整笑了一个小时。很可惜找到的节目影频都是被剪得七零八落的,但这则新闻也算是剪出了整集节目的精髓。 看到纳豆穿女装,真的很想给他一巴掌,还唱到每一个调都走音。洪都拉斯的歌声其实还很不错的,就为了那常人无法达到的萧敬腾key而唱得怪里怪气的...

New Addition - The Cowboy

2000 Nov 【 周杰倫同名專輯 】 2001 Sep 【 范特西 】 2001 Dec 【周杰倫FANTASY精裝EP】 2002 Mar 【半島鐵盒】 2002 Jul 【 八度空間 】 2002 Oct 【THE ONE演唱會Live VCD】 2003 Jul 【 葉...

Illusion Deciphered

Hey hey hey, I found the explanation for the illusion. If you see the silhouette spinning clockwise, then you use more of the right side of ...


The last 歌台 this year. IRRITATING juniors hogging the laser machines! Usually people will gauge whether the detailing of a exterior concrete...


Gooped this from someone's blog, who said that some viewers will see the woman turning clockwise and some anti-clockwise. I kept seeing ...

Blog accessible again

No, no, no, I'm not starting to write secrets in my blog such that I need to privatise it. It's just my second step to eliminate the...

I'm disgusted

READ! I hate people who drive to school in their parent's car and complain there's no free parking lots near the block I hate people...

The Tower of Hanoi

There is a legend about an Hindu temple which contains a large room with three time-worn posts. The priests in the temple were given a stack...

Stop hurting

I think I can tear in 10 seconds. 《圆梦的小熊》- 六甲乐团 景仰的天父 你还能施舍多少天 还有多少天 能让我留在这世界 无奈肉体的病痛它 一直在蔓延 不断侵蚀着我活下去的每一天 垂泪的点滴透过针头穿刺皮肤表面 我似乎已经没有任何的感觉 就在想要...

《牛仔很忙》 radio version

呜啦啦啦火车笛 随着奔腾的马蹄 小妹妹吹着口琴 夕阳下美了剪影 我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景 接下来换介绍我自己 我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶 为什么不喝啤酒 因为啤酒伤身体 很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都靠武器 赤手空拳就缩成蚂蚁 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻...

Jay Chou On The Run 我很忙

Woohoo! Woohoo! 距離上一張專輯有14個月的時間,周杰倫的第八張專輯「我很忙」(JAY CHOU ON THE RUN)在自己新公司的全心策劃下,即將在11月2日全球同步發行! 首波主打「牛仔很忙」是周杰倫與作詞者黃俊郎共同催生出的新曲風,不同於螢幕上牛仔給人深沉憂...

Oh my dear ankle

Am I building up too much bad karma? Reference: ' Oh my dear knee ' - June 30, 2006

Cockoach detected!

Damn it! Seeing a cockroach in my room and seeing a floor of cockroach so very different! Some more seeing a cockroach in MY room when I...

Dead Night

夜深。 没有DJ的933。最令人感动。 《红色向日葵》- 罗美玲 想你是快乐 快乐是偶尔的 很多时候 很多事情 分手后淡淡的 向日葵开了 我还是脆弱的 明明说要遗忘的 却全都还记得 不小心泪水又在脸颊停住了 寂寞悄悄地问 怎么了 只好轻轻说 没什么 也许是向日葵太美了 不小心又想...


栗麦安内对哇嘞… bay乎廖!博洗甘廖! 津甘寇啊! 戏啊!戏啊!哇爱捆!!!


睽違三年多,「周杰倫2007世界巡迴演唱會」首站將於11月10日在台北縣立板橋體育場揭開序幕!這是繼2002年「The One」及2004年「無與倫比」世界巡迴演唱會之後,周杰倫個人的第三次大型世界巡迴演唱會!節目將含括周杰倫自2000年出道以來的過去7張專輯的作品,再加上新專輯...

More Site Visits

2 years ago around this time, I was THERE , for serious work a.k.a. taking site measurements and sketching. This time, I’m back to Chek Jawa...

Site Visits

Went 5 site visits in the space of 4 days. Now I‘m itching all over and I have no idea where I got the bites. Design site – Clearing near Do...

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