Nua around in Bras Basah instead. This place is so different when it’s not term time for me. Usually it’ll be the source of my spoil-market-ness, but without the need of it, the place was so boring. Stoned in the library then, watching people and the librarians cladded in oversized long-sleeve sweaters working among the shelves. They spoke in weird languages, I wonder they can read the CALL NO or not.
Was preparing to make my way home at dinner time when Bryan called. Ok apparently there’s still some bored people who have been stoning at home while I did mine in town. So I met him and chiobu for Seoul Garden at Marina Square. Eeerk I just realized Bryan loves buffet. And chiobu is such a lazy bum. And I sick of buffet now… Met Yanrui, Christine & Derek in the vicinity. Yes, I’m jealous that they all shouted “Bryan Lee” instead of calling me. Except, of course, Derek cos he met me when I was alone. Aha. Then during the meal I discovered, yet again, that all the Ma’at councilors like to message Bryan. Eeerk… Ok at least chiobu and TC replied to my msg…

Anyway, we managed to get the piercing done at Bits and Pieces. My 2nd pair and Vivi’s 4th time on the same position. Ahyo…

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