Ma’at is 1 month old yesterday. It is 俗称 '满月' and is usually celebrated with the distribution of 红鸡蛋 by the child’s parents to close relatives. Many plans were available on the children (our) part in the past week, like asking for 红鸡蛋 and getting a shit cake when we saw the 寿桃 cake at Polar. Eventually we only asked KC KM to prepare the eggs for us for the Settlers outing yesterday.

It’s so depressing! Imagine a birthday party with only 5 guests (minus myself). While the rest celebrate with real cakes, we celebrated with 茶叶蛋?! Because we thought KM can’t make it to Settlers already.

But at a later time, he called to inform that he had prepared 20 eggs for us and was meeting us for dinner! Faint~~~
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