November 2006
June 2007
March 2008
Far future
Damn they are slow! Clementi is doom for the next 2 years. And recently the theatre building is joining in to contribute to the dust and noise too. No more bubble tea. Also no more MacDonald’s kitchen stench along the corridor. 

Not sure whether this is the tendered design, the developer’s still seeking investment in February 2008, and the building is already in the process of demolition.

Super pissed with the idea of air-conditioning bus interchanges. ‘Provide a more comfortable environment to commuters’ how nicely said. Then the bus fare will rise, then we will be charged GST for taking public transport, or are they charging already? Are Singaporeans really THAT pampered being unable even to step out of an air-con space to wait for a bus?
“We agree that air-conditioning the passenger concourse areas of the bus interchange would increase its electricity cost. However, it is a relatively small cost item as compared to other operational costs such as manpower and vehicle costs. This could be seen from the public transport operators' fare applications where the major costs increases are diesel and GST.
Leow Yew Chin
Cut Waste Secretariat
Land Transport Authority
DID: 6375 7085”
I don’t see how small a cost item air-conditioning can be. Mind you we are talking about air-conditioning for at least 18 hours a day with heavy human flow and doors opening and closing for commuters to board and alight the buses. Full-blast for 18 freaking hours! Otherwise, I guess the manpower and vehicle costs must be sky-high. (blink blink @.@)
And my poor Mama Earth. It’s just simple Physics, if the temperature is to be lowered here, the heat will have to be lost somewhere else. Where? The residential! If they also have air-con, then the heat will go onto the street. So everybody hide indoors and damn demand for air-conditioning! Damn!
Seriously, I hate air-con.
Or maybe ‘they’ have too much to spend such that ‘they’ can PAY to get the PRC in to fill up the service jobs. (No proper citing, because I am not really convinced, but will look for the evidence nevertheless.) FYI, 100% of the people in the coffeeshop at my place are PRC, and their food sucks. Food from ALL the stalls sucks! I can’t understand why I even tried ALL the stalls in the first place. And worst of all, the drink-stall aunty pronounced my MILO-PENG as milo-bing (冰).
I hate PRC running the local coffeeshop!
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