Wednesday, brave girl went to extract 4 wisdom tooth. 2 were dreaded and 2 were redundant. And she decided to get them all off together. In the course of 48 hours, there were 15 missed calls. The reason was not that she was in such pain that she can’t talk. Instead she could guess exactly who and what the calls were from and about, thus the ignoring.
On the 3rd day when she returned to work, the person with the glummest face came up to her and said: “I asked the boss to extend the deadline but he say I can ask you for help. Then you didn’t come for 2 days!” Oh poor thing, he landed on this project with only 5 days to complete and the sole 2 persons he can approach were away at the same time.
Anyway, Samaritan girl decided to OT on a Friday night to help him with some of the cadding that actually took only 30 minutes. And she took her time and did filing and cleaned the desk and drew schedule for the next 2 weeks at the same time. Hmmm... What a good start to the year! And on Monday, her favourite senior and best partner will be returning from Israel and Philippines! Very soon, the office will be full strength again!
Looking forward to CNY!
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