It's the new Yishun Library in the North Point Extension, due for opening on 14 November 08! And my office got a 'sneak preview' last Friday since we did the interior design. How was I involved? Haha... I only helped to do photoshop for the library pamphlet.

This is the circular concept that runs throughout to create nodes along the main circulation paths. The paths are defined by the carpet patterns and false ceilings, which in turn determine the layout of the shelves. The circles can be seats, counter-top, tables, shelves etc.
The colours are also specially selected. *Some racial jokes involved.* But I like the bright bright tones because they stand out from the usual beige bookshelves.
Children - yellow & orange.
Young people - lime green.
Adults - dark blue (see the chaotic photo up there).

The entire mall is still in the stage of completion, but NLB got to rush for the opening ceremony next month. Let's hope they won't get into any trouble with BCA.
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