苏打绿 at Simple Life 2008

阿龚! 《相信》 主唱大人被整。 蘇打綠+林憶蓮 - 夜太黑 蘇打綠+林憶蓮 - 寂寞擁擠 蘇打綠+林憶蓮 - 夢田 蘇打綠 - Can't Get You Out of My Head 蘇打綠 - 多希望你在 蘇打綠 - 女爵 蘇...

Food Galore

Omg! My initial long weekend plan of Bukit Timah Hill & Southern Ridges hiking turned into Bah Guk Teh Fish Bee Hoon Durian Puff Lay...

Excavation in Progress

Is there any geotechnical engineer who can tell me what is this machine for? Every day I see it dripping with mud and threatening to bite of...


Teehee! My family NUMBER TWO! The difference in this photo from the previous two taken this June & last year : + The One Concert Live C...

Disneyland in Singapore

Introducing the Singapore "Disneyland"! Right here! Yes! In Singapore! In our very own heartland! Can you believe that this can be...

Red Dragon

I am working overtime these days for a reason. I have neither pressing clients nor tight tender schedule. But I want to walk that stretch of...


龙太子的每日一则笑话。今天的超A又好笑! 荧幕说:我好惨啊。。。每天给人看。 键盘说:我更惨呢,每天给人打。 滑鼠说:我才惨烈,每天给人摸。 光碟机说:我最惨,每天给人插。 FLOPPY说:我更惨现在没人插我了。 USB说:谁有我惨?这边插完就去那边插,一不小心还要被感染。 MO...

Iluma & Carlton

市区。 不能太久没有去。 不然会发现,该在的,不见了。 陌生的,通通从地面钻了出来。 Carlton Hotel Extension Iluma @ Bugis WOHA 的最新力作。名字取得好像 Dan Brown 小说里的邪教。而且隔了两条街,它像在呼应着较早前 RSP Ar...


... again . 有好多事情得在2008年结束前完成。 怎么可能? 简直是疯了。 最近观察到,原来金牛座都不会撒谎的。因为谎言被拆穿后,金牛座都会恼羞成怒。让人铁定他是在撒谎。识趣的,通常都会闭一只眼不去揭穿,避免争执。偏偏耿直的狮子座就爱追根究底,非得要揭开事情的真面目。...

Mdm Dowel

My new affection of Utilitas & Firmitas & Venustas – she is cheap and good and pretty! I actually got her for my lappy, but there ...

Tell my contractor to stop lying!

This one contractor is making my blood boiling! They made me come down for meeting when I'm busy designing my house and the boss was lat...

I love Skeleton

OMG! These are so pretty! eBay is too alluring for me! But there are a lot of bad people out there always outbidding me! Anyone knows of goo...

Upper Cross Street MRT

It is the end of my 6th month at Upper Cross Street. And how was it celebrated? The Upper Cross Street MRT station retaining wall constructi...

It's MINE!

I collected my 魔杰座 15 minutes ago! 整个专辑很 重 铁盒很 漂亮 歌词本很 香 歌词很 多 凤儿 不想上班 了 By the way, I'm adding many members to my 'families' th...


He used to be a legendary singer in the mid 90's. Who else is able to get Jacky Cheung to a duet in his debut? Moreover, he really can s...


"仿佛是一种约定,每年这个时候,总会听见周杰伦" [七里香] (2004) "今年迟了一点,但是,感觉多了一点" [夜曲] (2005) "想象依然无限大,感觉依然说不完,音乐依然范特西" [千里之外] (2006) ...


If I'm not logon to MSN in office, I'll be listening to my IMEEM playlist. Added a few tracks these days that brought back a lot of ...

Southern Ridges

Woah! 5+ hours of walking, talking and playing under the sun with the best company! Very healthy (minus the food after that), very fun! NUS ...

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