我最讨厌那类一见面就责怪我这么久没有找他出来见面的人了。 如果你想见面就主动约啊!我又不是住在无通讯,无网络的鸟不生蛋偏远深山。就算是当年我还在studio啃电脑,吃泡面的时候,只须一通电话我还是会把疲累的身躯拖到有人类的地方吓人的啊!更何况我现在简直是到了天堂studio,要来...
Wrenching Heart

Yah. This post is supposed to be up straight after CNY. But as usual, 我高兴,我喜欢,怎样? Some things are really 邪门 and should not 乱讲 during the fes...
Repeat Mode

Yada yada. It's not the first time nor just one or two persons who have commented my '审美观' got problem. It is 'many' peo...

每逢到了假期,就会变得超不想睡觉的。深怕这难得的悠闲很快就会逝去。尤其是对于流着夜猫子血液的凤儿,就会坐在椅子上,双手不停地动,两眼不停地转,一直耗到天空转亮为止。 这天,就转到了陈信宏的博客。没有特喜欢五月天,也没收藏他们的作品。只是偶尔听听主打歌,在聚会时利用他们的歌来炒热气...
Jay's 30th Birthday

Yes, I did it! I pre-ordered 9 DVDs at one go, though still not on par with Keljin's 11, but it's still my best personal record now....
Jay Chou turns 30 this Sunday

周董邀你來臨的星期天 出席[魔杰座]慶功派對 亞洲天王周杰倫的世界巡迴演唱會多倫多場與美國康州場剛剛圓滿落幕,相信接下來歌迷最關心的就是1月18日生日的周杰倫要怎麼慶生了? 來自世界各地的歌迷在官網上聚集討論這個話題相當熱烈,畢竟這是周董三十歲的重要生日!回顧2000年出道至今,...
Escher calendar

Oh! I forgot to present my new darling! The Escher wall calendar that I have been aiming since last year! See I'm so persistent! I saw i...
No more wisdom

别人拔牙,瘦了一圈。 凤儿拔牙,在牙龈里兜了好多圈, 仍然找不到那失踪的肉碎。 Wednesday, brave girl went to extract 4 wisdom tooth. 2 were dreaded and 2 were redundant. And she d...
How to download albums

the lazy way. 1. Go to http://www.sogua.com 2. Open an album page. At the album page, the 专辑 tab above the search textbox will be highlighte...

今天下午,趁着Pearl Centre一楼的New Millenium Music (之前叫Visma) 没有人潮,就进去兜了一圈。手痒凤儿在CD堆里翻了翻,发现原来它也开始进口台湾版的专辑了。第一次看到了罗志祥《潮男正传》杂志形态的预购版,在唱片行没有看过的啦。看是挺不赖的,比...
Happy Niu Year
I've never attended any countdown party. Every year, it's the TV that accompanies me, not to mention the few years when I slept thro...
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