I have good Karma

I’m such a Samaritan! This week, I helped a friend find a job and she will be starting work next Tuesday. Yesterday, I completed a set of te...


Omg omg!!! Sodagreen is coming for concert this August!!! I want to hear 青峰 sing LIVE! I want to hear his 海豚音. I want to watch 阿龚 multi-task...

Cashbox KTV

今天,去了新地方唱歌,有点烟味,但大热天的在乌节路上人挤人,什么味道都无所谓啦。那地方蛮偏僻的,在FORUM后面,一座很老很窄的建筑MING ARCADE。电梯超恐怖的,KTV还在地下3楼。CALVIN说∶下去后就再也上不来了…… CASH STUDIO FAMILY KARAO...


家里又来了新宝贝:《不能说的秘密》限量版音乐盒! 非常小巧,但五脏俱全。内部非常的mechanical,让我开始怀念以前丢失的那支手表 - 每天早上得把手表中的弹簧转紧,然后秒针就会随着弹簧的解放而摆动。 音乐盒里有一片薄薄的铁片,上面割出了18条长度不一的铁条,每一条代表着...


戴着面具游水的鱼 想问 那只在仰望天空的蝎 知道自己被爱着 会觉得困扰吗? 还是蝎真的 把鱼的一句借口话 给当真了 鱼的记忆虽然短暂 但岂能够轻易地说忘就忘 这么珍贵的感觉 可惜 鱼已经不想再 表态 因为当时的勇气 已经用尽 鱼没有手 不能环抱 鱼没有脚 不能追逐 跳跃在天空的蝎...

Mahjong lesson

On my Vesak holiday, we played mahjong from lunch till over midnight. It’s the 2nd consecutive weekend that my Pa got so gian with mahjong....

I am still here

For 2 weeks, I dress up in my sleep, and then embark on a 1 hour journey to my Chinatown office. Check my In-tray, update schedule and sit d...


我的麻嘛很伟大!养了家里的四个顽童三十年。四个顽童即不会打扫也不会煮饭,全部都爱吃爱睡觉。 同样的料,麻嘛可以变出好多种料理。还很会煮又辣又咸又浓稠的咖喱。就算在外头吃过了,回到家我还是得捧场,吃多一顿。 陪她上个巴刹就好像在上方言课,因为她精通客家,福建,海南,潮州,广东话。她...

Keeping tightlipped

There is no more credibility in this blog because I am too tired to filter my thoughts. I want to write secrets that have specific audience;...

The Built

COX Group & Arup Bayfront Bridge (the double-helix) P&T Consultants Condominium @ One-North WOHA School of the Arts WOHA Museum Sta...

Sodagreen Concert

I'm getting into the Sodagreen blues again... Unload & Share - May 03, 2007 苏打绿《小情歌》 - May 14, 2007 苏打绿 《小巨蛋演唱会 LIVE 陪我歌唱》

Commencement 2008: I’m not attending

It is the norm in Archi to continue to Year 5 MArch. So in addition to the common 4-years straight-Honours Degree, Archi have a through-trai...

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