Commencement 2008: I have to attend

Tuesday, June 3, 2008 0 comment
Commencement 2008: I’m not attending - May 02, 2008

The situation now is that, abstractly, I have not burn down my bridge, neither am I able to do it; because it has collapsed prematurely. I have to graduate this year, they said. To attend the Commencement or not is up to me, but I can only register for this year’s. Explicitly, my CAP is so pathetic that the Department has shut its doors on me, rather than letting me make the say next year. This is the worst, but anticipated scenario. Ask me if I’m disappointed, yes, definitely. Why? Isn’t it the same as commencing next year?

What do you think of graduating with only 4 fellow course mates?

I felt like boycotting the graduation when I received the news. But the Commencement is not for me. I can’t let my parents down; I want them to witness the first and only graduate in the family. This, that my brothers were unable to attain, is all dependent on me. I have to end it beautifully.

No, I am not sad; I have happier things awaiting me to achieve. Am I disappointed? Eh? I have seen it coming anyway. Besides, CAP 5.0 or CAP 3.0 doesn’t make any difference. This mediocre graduate is still able to have her own workstation and little alcove, her personal pigeon hole, her own email account with the company domain name and personalized namecard. Next week, she will have a project under her name. ^_^

So, everything still go on as per planned. And the conclusion is, I will be commencing on 14 July 2008 at 3PM! Do come and take a photo with me if you are free!

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