My station is the most fun one, from everybody's opinion in the past year, Forbidden Fruit! Basically, just play god, and have a good laugh at the people freezing in odd postures when 'god' turns around. Was very lucky on my turn, as there was ~8 people behind me and I managed to guess the person holding on to the 'fruit'.
After the games, the programmers were brought back to reality regarding the difficulties faced by the IC of the past 2 trials this week. 7 days to my Cluedo Night trials!!! Ahrg... I'm exploding! From Fred's naggines and Michelle's stress!
Was waiting for Jia Hui's call the whole day for our dinner venue and time as they went cycling @ East Coast. So when Mass Games ended at 2.30pm, I decided to go KTV with Ma'at @ Cine. Jianming, Zenov & Yanrui. Felt more relax compared to the one in March. The session then seems quite stressful to me. Hahaha... Maybe we got the CSC 歌神 with us. Only sang for 3 hours, but we seem to be quite sei already at 7pm.
Rushed over to Suntec with Denise then, to find Yanru, Jia Hui & Shu Hui shopping without me! Thought I became another person with them, taking a lot of funny photos. And because Yanru's friend was around too, we could take many 4-in-1 photos. :D

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