Do not watch this

Friday, December 25, 2009 0 comment
I didn't expect that I will be spending my Christmas morning writing these that spoilt my day on Tuesday. But there was an agreement, I need to wrap this thing up before I proceed with my festive spree.

This was the first thing I wrote when I got home from the premiere.
akira8385 拜托/恳请/要求/威胁/哭求 周杰伦大爷别再接朱延平导演的戏了!
akira8385 says 看完戏后,心中的疑惑,比在学校考那科*考不及格的科目*还要多
狗 狗 says 怎麼了??
akira8385 says 那剧本/剪接/编剧 都有问题~ 超不合逻辑 又没有连贯性 & complexity 的
akira8385 says 又超多花瓶&绿叶的。。
wenning says 朱延平嘛,還沒看就知道會這樣。
akira8385 says 竟然还能比'功夫灌篮'还要糟糕!真是服了他~
wenning says 嗯,也許我有點偏見,但是我覺得周先生自己導的也沒好到哪去,所以是同等級的人在一起嘍~
akira8385 says wenning: 他只导过'不能说的·秘密'哦。有很烂吗??
wenning says 除了要看桂綸鎂,其他時間我差點睡著。不過我本來就不喜歡他,可能是偏見。
mamiworm says akira8385: totally agree with you. Am just telling my son that it's not nice b4 I see your plurk.
mamiworm says i much enjoyed last week's bodyguard & assassin better. Highly recommended.
mamiworm says wenning: 我觉得**不能说的秘密** 比刺陵好多了。
akira8385 says mamiworm: 谢谢你帮 **Mr J** 辩护
mamiworm says I'm only stating my feeling. I enjoyed secret much much better than hunter.
wenning says So the conclusion is that Treasure Hunter must be avoided at all costs
akira8385 says wenning: haha.. YES! DVD also no need to buy.. (i'm trying to pull the 票房 down so he can give up movies..) what a fan i am..
akira8385 says 我要去躺躺了。。明天要做工。记得帮我唱衰"刺陵"
wenning says 在來到噗浪之前我已經看到一堆在罵的tweets
akira8385 says wenning: wow~~ 噗浪上搜寻"刺陵"就有超多唱衰的噗。。真有趣。。明天来整理,blog一下。。(我果然是另类fans)
mamiworm says akira8385: 真得很另类
Yes, that is how bad 《刺陵》turned out to be. Director Kevin Chu was asked during press conference: how did he chose his main leads to be Jay & Zhiling? He replied "because they are the hottest stars now". From my point of view, he didn't even have a proper script to start off, thus he needs the greatest stars to pull up the viewership & popularity. Now, back to the fundamental question, why did these stars agreed to shoot this film when the script is even more crappy than 广仲's dream accounts?

Some questions that I shoot out straight after the credits flashed:
Who the hell is that two guys in the desert house hitting the steel and collecting water?
What is the monster that appeared when Qiao Fei hit that bell?
Who the hell is that toilet paper man?
Who the hell are the Desert Army? Are they human?
Who killed Lan Ting's father?
Why didn't they take revenge?
How did Lan Ting walked out of her father's death so quickly?
Where did she get that skirt when she was kidnapped in a pair of pants?
Who is Qiao Fei afterall?
How did he know and able to get the treasure map to the desert after Lan Ting's father died?
Why did he go to the desert when he's only 10? Is he normal?
Why did he leave the desert?
Why was he fighting Pu Ying at the starting? I know they are fighting for the position of Da Mo Fei Ying, but why they two?
Why did Qiao Fei chose to lose purposely?
Why was the desert neglected after that?
Where did Lan Ting found that pail of water to bath?
Where did that tent come from?
How did Dao Dao become the Lao Da at the Traveller's Village?
How did she make so many copies of the treasure map? Using a photocopy machine?
Why only Qiao Fei can lure Pu Ying out of the desert?
We know Dao Dao likes Qiao Fei, so why did she leave with Pu Ying eventually? You mean she fell in love with Pu Yong in that split second when he stabbed her?
What happened to Dao Dao and Pu Ying after that?
Where is the entire village that set off to find the same city using the same map?
How did Hua Ge survived the sand storm that killed all of his mates?Why did he have to feed on his mates when all he needs in the desert is water?
Did he entered the hidden city then?
If he did, why didn't he get anything out of it?
If he didn't, how did he know the mechanism?
Why did he agreed to return to the hidden city when he has escaped then?
How did they enter the city? And how did they get out of the city?
Whose spirits are those protecting the pearl?
Why did the pearl bacome dust?
Why did Pai Gu drop all his gold when Hua Ge decided to stay in the collapsing city?
Are the gold bars hollow? Or is Pai Gu a very strong man?
Who killed Lan Ting's father?
This site shares my opinions.

Some interesting plurks:
nutcase_94 is BACK HOME AGN!! just watched Treasure hunter by Jay Chou. try not to watch it k? unless you're rlly a fan of him. And.. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
kim is back from The Treasure Hunter...other than Lin Chiling...i dunno what's good from that movie...3/5...
Pinggie says just back from movie.TREASURE HUNTER is just like shit ! jay chou and lin zhi ling?!!??!
wenning is watching Sherlock Holmes, after these trailers... Treasure Hunter just came on eeeeeeeks
conancat says The Treasure Hunter tho better Storm Warriors 2, still not worth watching in cinema, cuz the story has more holes than ya backyard! 2.5/5
捲髮俏妞~哈哈 說 大家早哇!!!昨天的平安夜被刺陵毀了~~~不過還好沒有去戲院看!!哈哈
字言字語說 刺陵真難看,除了把林志玲拍的美美的,周杰倫古裝扮相尚可外,其他都乏善可陳,算是噱頭很大的爛片,難怪票房不好.
Akilae 說 昨天看完刺陵只有一種感覺,這是摩托車版的頭文字D,繼黃秋生譚永麟來抬轎之後,這次找來陳道明和曾志偉,比起林志玲的進步來說,周董可以說是微不足道,真不知道為啥之前他可以得獎,可以感覺到連旁邊對岸的小配角演技都比他好,整部片在沒啥感覺的情況下結束了,要說是東方神鬼傳奇,還差的遠了
酸梅豬要改變 說 早安。看見《刺陵》濫度過錶的形容..... 這導演的作品從小看到大,從來沒有看到自己原創意,都只是看見抄襲或是大堆頭明星,看他的電影感覺像是看名片橋段回顧展呢。
Jason224 說 「刺陵」真的是一部很妙的電影,朱延平大導這次不用刻意拍搞笑片就可以讓整個廳裡頭笑得東倒西歪了,好厲害喔.....他的片真是一整個渾然天成讓一堆人笑開懷.....
Panbo膝關節 說 能把《刺陵》努力看到片尾的人,相信都是法鼓山或是慈濟的師兄姐,非常具有愛心的人,才能看完這部片。
nicholaschansays 看完刺陵,觉得很LAME.
skybabe 說 关于《刺陵》~我只能说~真是烂~片~一~部~啊啊啊啊啊~~~~(崩溃~~
YuSteven 覺得 刺陵就是烏龍院升級版!no doubt!!!!!!
MrDiuhas juz finished watching 刺陵~not as expected==
hellowingg 想 刺陵真的很不優啊`
Daaisy 說 << 刺陵 >> 劇情場面普普,要花錢進戲院請深思~~
Sol[獸'] 在電影院裡看到<刺陵>的預告。出現林志玲與周杰倫,心就涼了一半,最後看到導演是朱延平,心馬上死了!
摩斯特 說 刺陵.......感覺...果然是朱延平的作品阿
z0916013647(熊) 正在 他X的!!!誰約我去看刺陵我就打他 (我很認真 )
小宋把拔 說 靠~~刺陵故事真是爛啊~~
001 覺得 刺陵在演啥小~志玲姐姐妳還是當襯職的花瓶吧
TREE 說 不想看《刺陵》。不是因為不支持志玲姊姊,而是因為看到導演「朱延平」三個字就無力。
in89豪華數位影院 說 刺陵真的很朱延平style~
takming132 我不要看 刺陵 我要看 刺玲!!!!Oh Ya!!
薇可歪兒 說 《刺陵》難看到會笑出來,就算志玲姐接是個又正又漂釀的花瓶(讚美的意味),還是不免讓人在走出戲院時想大吼一聲:「搞什麼鬼啊!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!」
JT_taipei 說 刺陵 如預期的 票房差 哈哈~
♡大可妞★步驚琦♡ 說 稍後還有一場**刺陵**的試片,真可怕…
Ct_Jc分享 我 說....刺陵也未免太爛了吧= =
Rhapsody 哈哈哈...刺陵被一堆人罵是大爛片
Doris 說 聽說刺陵很難看
秋山真之 說 刺陵難看到暴,頭殼破洞的才會抓這種爛片zz
wayne 說 同事拿刺陵給我叫我看 我要看嗎~感覺很鳥
lukelslo 「刺陵」一片在大陸票房慘淡,皆因改錯名,女主角被刺,怎會有好下場!
飛俠阿德 覺得 刺陵 感覺就是一部周杰倫拍來耍帥的片子
Halley 說 刺陵未上映就在奇摩討論區造成強烈討論 ~ 竟然有人說去看也是去看曾志偉(還真毒!!)
MO:是很渴嗎? 說 刺陵也是 不好意思 爛爆了 !!
♡大可妞★步驚琦♡ 說 慘了!經過**刺陵**媒體試映過後,看過的都說…%〃X##&◇@※⊕%*○$
≡一杯就倒™≡噗倒喵 覺得 刺陵後半部雖然精采但總覺得有點老套...重點是那個古堡他們到底是怎麼進去跟出來的啊?
林球球 說 刺陵 感覺還好 有點瞎 結局也普普
小白2 刺陵這部片呢,想看周杰倫林志玲的可以去看,其他部分呢?完全沒任何特色可言.....
輝 / Geng Choo 刺陵....真的...可以不看....
OkadaYeh 說 刺陵那是甚麼鳥片啊!!!
CYM 說 刺陵特效不錯,但是看完覺得很普通,不過已經比功夫灌腸好了一百倍了,算有進步。只是呴…為什麼要叫刺陵啊?劉畊宏的角色出現得也莫名其妙的,另外曾志偉拿這麼大的金塊好像拿幾塊木頭一樣,他那個角色是設定成天生神力嗎?還有就是,不要再抄來抄去了,拿點創意出來!看起來像好幾部電影的混血兒啊!
小 旻 說 原來刺陵是走喜劇路線@@

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