You Have A Type B Personality |
You're as laid back as they come... Your baseline mood is calm and level headed Creativity and philosophy tend to be your forte Like a natural sedative, you have a soothing effect on people Friends and family often turn to you first with their problems You have the personality to be a spiritual or psychological guru |
Your Inner Gender is Male |
You are rational, matter of fact, and quite dominant. You like to get things done, without any emotional messiness. You truly don't understand most women. And you definitely feel more comfortable around men. No doubt about it. You're a guy - at least on the inside. |
Sodagreen! Sodagreen! Sodagreen! In 12 hours' time! Wee~~
I've agreed Crystal that I'll post more Sodagreen songs here, so I decided to do a ranking. They've only 3 albums, so it's quite fast. Imagine if I am going to do this for Jay? I'll spend 2 days. Haha...
频率 (苏打绿)I know this is a lot, I think the top few should be more accurate of what I like best - in order. ENJOY!
藍眼睛 (EP)
你喔! (苏打绿)
左边 (无与伦比的美丽)
被雨困住的城市 (小宇宙)
背着你 (小宇宙)
爱人动物 (陪我歌唱)
飞鱼 (苏打绿)
白日出没的月球 (无与伦比的美丽)
花茶 (无与伦比的美丽)
迟到千年 (EP)
这天 (无与伦比的美丽)
漂浮 (苏打绿)
小宇宙 (小宇宙)
是我的海 (苏打绿)
相对论IV (苏打绿)
Oh Oh Oh Oh... (苏打绿)
游乐 (无与伦比的美丽)
呢喃 (陪我歌唱)
无与伦比的美丽 (无与伦比的美丽)
我的未来不是梦 (EP)
小情歌 (小宇宙)
陪我歌唱 (陪我歌唱)
相信 (无与伦比的美丽)
You Are, You Will (小宇宙)
坠落 (小宇宙)
降落练习存在挛生基因 (苏打绿)
后悔莫及 (苏打绿)
暂时失控 (小宇宙)
Believe In Music (live EP)
That Moment Is Over (苏打绿)
窥 (苏打绿)
I Don’t Care (live EP)
四季狂想 (无与伦比的美丽)
简单生活 (无与伦比的美丽)
城市 (无与伦比的美丽)
符号 (小宇宙)
已经 (小宇宙)
吵 (小宇宙)
无言歌 (小宇宙)
And, in 3-weeks' time, I'll lay my hands on their 5-hours long concert DVDs! Woah!

1. 為什麼4片DVDs + 一本攝影書只賣499元?
a. 跟X國電子一樣,就甘心!
b. 林老闆瘋了!(快告訴我們要帶他去看哪一科醫生)
c. 因為音樂社的員工都不會算術
2. 預購了嗎?
a. 早就預購了
b. 不但已經預購還推薦朋友一起
c. 蘇打綠和工作人員好辛苦,我想要等到恢復原價再買(那你應該跟林老闆一起去看醫生)
3. 為什麼有的7-11沒有貼蘇打綠小巨蛋全紀實DVDs預購海報?
a. 被店員暗康起來
b. 颱風把它們吹走了
c. 店員以為是新上市的飲料,把海報誤貼到食物區
d. 被積極蘇打粉要光了(大家不要急,等海報發揮完功用以後再把它拿走唷)
4. 為什麼小巨蛋全紀實DVDs沒有收錄「左邊」?
a. 因為右邊也沒有收錄,這樣才公平
b. 人生就是要有缺憾才美
c. 商業機密
5. 希不希望辦DVD首映會?
a. 要!我想要用超大螢幕和環繞音響重溫小巨蛋演唱會
b. 如果可以和家凱一起吃爆米花,我願意
c. 拜託一定要辦!找不到好地方首映,我可以提供建議!
d. 不好吧,片長更勝鐵達尼號,是要包尿布去看首映嗎?
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