Alternative Music

I think my Woodlands contractor like me more than my boss. Haha! One thing is, I speak Hokkien with them and we always end up chatting durin...


This song didn't even made it into my Top 20. But it just made me cry. At the end of the concert DVD. Yes. I cried too. 相信 - 苏打绿

That Moment

连续两天都做了奇怪的梦,更荒谬的是醒来后梦境都是清晰的。看到了现在的自己参与了奇怪的事。 一。以一个工读生的轻松与前同事吃饭。饭局中清清楚楚地看到每个人的脸孔,还询问了同事在今年四月出生的宝宝。天啊!对于自从去年十二月就没见面的人我竟然会说这种先进话! 二。我又回到中学时候的三温...

Job Prophecy

I think this test is like a prophecy. Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 34% Your job is not bad, but it's probably not a long term thing...


刚刚发现了有人把我写的演唱会曲目抄到自己的部落格上,连我在括弧里写的感想也一并抄了过去。幸好他有提到我啦,所以无伤大雅。而且他有拍照喔!所以要连接一下。注意∶照片中有家凯的正牌女友,亏"吴贱嘴"还能如此肆无忌惮地取笑家凯。 Edric Hsu - sodag...


我回来了!好开心!好开心!好开心!想象凤儿在原地转圈圈转到跌倒,就是如此地开心。不只是昨晚看到阿龚让我很开心,今天打麻将赢了钱也很开心,虽然赢到的钱都拿来请客晚餐了。哈哈! 昨天花了整个早上写之前那篇章。到了中午才出发去买荧光棒。原本以为又会像上次杰伦演唱会时一样,被荧光棒的...

Too alert in the morning

Weird... I sleep like a log every morning when I need to work and I got up at 5.30am today when I don't need to. You Have A Type B Perso...

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