akira8385 requested for photos and text from jay2u members who attended the SG concert to be compiled into a photo album for Jay when he arrives again on 3 Feb. Huiying informed her of a 933 promotion on Thursday morning – you just need to SMS the correct answer to Mary’s question at the 11pm-1am show and stands to compete with others with a scrapbook that you need to make by Sunday that contains photos related to “Kung Fu Dunk”. The winner gets to present the scrapbook to Jay personally.
I failed in my first attempt on Thursday night. But Mary sort of leaked the question for Friday on the show. So on Friday night, I was prepared with a list of possible answers saved in my handphone draft folder. Even before she finished asking, I have sent my SMS.
At that point of time, I have already completed my photos and text collection and was doing what I’m best at – packaging for the photo album. And my name was announced on-air! My first reaction: Oh shit! I have only one day to make ANOTHER scrapbook, while the current one is only 25% done!

I overslept on Saturday. Nevertheless, I went snapping contents for No.2 scrapbook at VivoCity, Bugis Junction, Suntec, Plaza Sing, Somerset, Cineleisure and Lido. Along the way, No.2 scrapbook materialized in my mind, as I shopped for paper, hard-cover and binder-rings...
Evening, I sent my photos to develop at Clementi, for both No.1 and No.2, and returned to studio to do design for the coming Monday. Night, I went home to watch soccer. At 1am, I did a cool cover for No.2 scrapbook. No.1 is cute. While cutting the foam, I came up with a storyline to go with my otherwise mundane photos. 4am, I reached an emotional high and was literally skipping in my room from table to table to work on No.1 and No.2 at the same time. 6am, almost passing my fatigue threshold as I struggled to cut the slots for the photos straight.
Here is the cover of No.1 photo album.
The first appearance of No.1 and No.2 with me and Huiling at Changi T3 on Sunday morning
The lucky moment
When I returned onstage, I have No.1 with me too, which ended up in the hands of the intended recipient, with a lot more unexpected exposure. OMG! I got to shake Jay’s hand!
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