I seriously seriously think that my luck is on an absurd turn recently.
Just received news that I got a pair of tickets to "L Change The World" preview tonight. Omg, only 3 days to submission, but I can't miss it! Heck ahr!!!

And did anybody read 新明 last night? There was an article about the 旺字 "4319" turning out as the top 4D twice in 5 weeks. And the other sets of numbers (incl. their permutations) which are equally 旺 are "1504", "8051" & "1062".

Ironically, my house number is 08-51 and I just place a bet for my mama last Wednesday for "8051"! She's so 衰 that the numbers came out on Saturday instead and TWICE on Sunday!
Grrr... I'm going to test my luck this week!!!
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