
现在翻开报纸,页页都似电影。私吞善款,贩卖人体器官,天灾人祸,政治谋杀 – 警匪片,灾难片,恐怖片,爱情片,色情片,喜剧,悲剧,样样都有,层出不穷。到底是电影故事写得太写实了,还是观众都被虚拟剧情给污染了? 陈冠希的淫照事件在全亚洲被炒得沸沸扬扬,简直比今年本地的三部贺岁片加起来...

L Change the World

Went to watch “L Change the World” with Nana just now. Wow, just one week ago she was casually asking whether I want to watch it. Then now w...

运气 (part 2)

I seriously seriously think that my luck is on an absurd turn recently. >运气 Just received news that I got a pair of tickets to "L Ch...

Submission again

I am surprised that I can still remain sensible now. Countdown is starting! Wish me good luck! And hope that I don't have to bring my tr...


Finally got my hands on the computer to do my Design. Because I finally installed AutoCAD 2008 to my PC after all those sudden auto-shutdown...

after Jay Day

Press Conference pass Ang Bao packets Playing Cards Kung Fu Dunk poster Movie Premier Kung Fu Dunk poster Popcorn box Water bottle Magazines...

The road to my lucky weekend

Prologue akira8385 requested for photos and text from jay2u members who attended the SG concert to be compiled into a photo album for Jay wh...


星期五晚上,天上掉下了一个礼物。 让我觉得我会在短短一个周末里,把今年所有的运气都用完了。

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