
Thursday, May 24, 2007 0 comment
Finally completed watching Bump Off Lover. Yup, my comments still hold as previously mentioned. Everybody have the motive, the presence at the scene and contact with the deceased. But how do you determine who is the murderer? Is it the one who caused the deceased to take her last breath or the person who caused her to end up in the hands of the person who caused her to take her last breath? Wonderful resource for Cluedo sia? Haha...

Next up on my viewing list is a HK drama! Woohoo! When was the last time I watched a HK show? 我和僵尸有个约会III? Wah... That’s like 2 years ago already. Reason being HK serials are mostly >20 episodes and there are no interesting genres like Vampire, 寻秦记... that can catch my attention. Happened to see the preview on TVmobile about this new serial on U. And I thought ‘This will be the one that’ll bring me back to HK drama!’ Cos it’s about communication through time and changing the past! Well that sounds like Il Mare and The Butterfly Effect. But I like what!

Yah... Suddenly thought of the little research I did last year about time-travelling. I mean after watching so many related show, there should be some reflections on the possibilities and characteristics of various time-alteration. Oh!? Not everybody do this? Well, at least I do. lol

When I was reading up in studio, I asked Gareth a question which brought out the gist of ‘time-travel. “Do you think you will exist if you travel through time and kill your (biological) grandfather (before your mum/dad was conceived)?”

Let’s say that THERE IS a way to travel to the past and you killed your ancestor. Then you will cease to exist and thus WOULD NOT be able to travel through time to kill the ancestor in the first place. Then the ancestor remains alive and you exist again! So you travel again and the loop goes on... Haha... That’s why time-travel is considered a paradox!

Or we can also imagine that when you kill your ancestor, another universe is created in space, running parallel with the one you originated. Nothing was altered in your original universe, just that you have vanished, to become part of the new universe.

Another way is that everything in the world has been pre-determined, including the time-travel. Anything that you do in a foreign universe (in the past) are meant to be and will eventually lead to the universe where you originated. So the time-travel actually goes in a loop.

There are so many possibilities to be proposed! Just that there’s no channel to proof these hypotheses. If I’m not in Archi, I would have been a Physics major, for the thrill of it. Wonder if there’s anyone doing this kind of FYP. Haha…

Was rather bored today, so I came out with a list of drama/movies involving time-travel and communication. Apparently most are my all-time favourites. I love to crack my brain when watching TV!

  • Back To The Future [Hollywood movie]

  • This is the earliest trilogy but I have the greatest impression with the first one. Marty returning to his parent’s high school time, making his mum fall in love with him and almost preventing his parents to get together. The most memorable scene was when he was playing the guitar during the prom and watching his brother and sister disappearing from a family photo as his (younger) mum continued dancing with the high school hunk (not his dad).
    Little changes in the past brought about bigger impacts in the future as Marty returned to find his family wealthier, his dad less timid and Doc escaping assassination.

  • 新难兄难弟 [HK movie]

  • The son fell into a manhole and travelled to the past to see his younger father. He remained in that universe for several years; bringing together his parents and getting to know them better which he failed to do so in his own time. When he returned, only 5 minutes have past but he was able to show his appreciation for his parents.

  • Kimi To Ita Mirai No Tame Ni ~ I’ll Be Back [JP drama]

  • Tsuyoshi has a heart attack at 00:00 1 Jan 2000 in a cinema, and found himself waking up in his room 4 years earlier. Realizing he has travelled through time, he tried to reverse mistakes made previously, only to find all efforts went to waste when he keep repeating these 4-years of his lifetime. Thereafter he discovered that he is not the only person to travel through time as others have utilized this ability to gain fame and money through despicable means...
    Unknown about what happened to the original universe that the protagonist originated cos the story evolved around the protagonist!
    Probably the first few Jdrama that I’ve watched. I love the soundtrack! I love Tsuyoshi!

  • 福满人间 [SG drama]

  • Who will ever forget 游泳裤 and Ang Mo Kio falling into the 卤水缸 and got involved in the decade long dispute in 福满楼! Definitely my favourite SG drama!

  • Long Love Letter [JP drama] rolling on CR

  • This is a special one where the protagonists travelled to the FUTURE with the LAND that their school was sitting. And in place of this land in present time, appeared a large crater, which became a memorial ground for the teachers and students who ‘disappeared’ with the school mysteriously. Ironically, the ‘travelling’ people only understand the situation when they dug out a rusted memorial plate outside the school with their names engraved on it.
    Storyline aside, the message is actually about environmental issues as they struggled to survive without clean water, sunshine and edible plants, in the world that was almost destroyed by technology and mutated humans.

  • Il Mare [Korean movie] rolling on CR

  • 2 persons living in the same house, 2 years apart, communicating through a magical mailbox. They shared dates, 2 years apart. He retrieved her lost item in his time. And she warned him of his death in his time.

  • 寻秦记 [HK drama] rolling on CR

  • 古天乐 + 宣萱 + 郭羡妮 + 藤丽名 Woohoo!
    Action + romance + history + English in ancient China + electronics in ancient China. Woohoo!
    Totally don’t mind that it lasted 40 episodes, as long as there’s interesting story-line and pretty faces (minus Michelle Saram).
    This is the source where I derived my second hypothesis. 项少龙 never returned to his present time. But he was already a part of history as his son from this past universe was 项羽, who overthrown the Qin dynasty that 项少龙 assisted to build up. Quite bull-shit la, since the only link they have is the surname. But if we just close 2 eyes and pretend this part never exists then the show is certainly 100% entertaining!

  • Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [Hollywood movie]

  • Harry was rescued from the Dementors by an unknown figure he thought was James. 3 hours later, he travelled back in time 3 hours, being told NOT to do anything that can cause a paradox. Watching his younger self (and Sirius) succumbing to the Dementors, he was forced to cast a Petronas to save himself. This is a time loop situation where no new universe was created. In short, ‘things which are meant to be, will be.’ The 2nd hypothesis.

  • 我和僵尸有个约会III [HK drama] rolling on CR

  • There’s 3 time-travelling here.
    First: 小玲 travelled to the past to find 箭头. Her Nokia was working perfectly okay and she was able to receive call from some master in the mountain using psychic power. lol... Then to seek help, she recorded a video and buried the phone. Surprisingly IT WAS REALLY excavated in 21st century and assistance provided to the 小玲 before she left her time.
    Second: 箭头 was brought back to 21st century. Can’t remember what for... He's just stupid-looking...
    Third (the most heart-griping part): 天涯 came from the Armageddon future, filled with hatred for her cowardly selfish mother 小玲. Then she realized that she was the cause for 天佑 & 小玲 to not lend a hand in the battle, so that they can bring her to this world. But knowing the outcome of the battle without them, they changed the progression of events. Facing the enemies, 小玲 said ‘我好像失去了一件很宝贵的东西...’

  • There's still more like Minority Report, The Terminators, The Butterfly Effect...

  • Oh yes, back to the new HK drama that got me started on this, 隔世追凶. It is similar to Il Mare, about communicating with a person from the past. And in turn influenced the progression of past events and cause the present universe to be different. It is airing Monday – Friday 10pm Channel U. But if my network speed permits, I’ll be completing it sooner on Crunchyroll. ^_^

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