Love Jay's new MV! So much story-telling! 红模仿, 白色风车, 退后, 听妈妈的话 & 菊花台. Now we're just short of the KTV for 迷迭香 & 心雨!
But actually my 'agenda' yesterday was not to watch Jay but my new part-time idol! But before that, let me tell you what I’ve been doing in the past two weeks on YouTube.
I was watching 终极一班 KO One! It's super funny! I was always laughing to myself my mum thought I lost my mind from studying. (Voice from unknown source: "As if you have studied very hard.") Yes I agree that the shooting and jokes were damn lame. But at least they KNOW that they were lame – therefore the flying crows and falling snow. The storyline was very out-of-the-world and cute! Ya… the actors are cute! And the lines kept me thinking ("Shakespeare said: 'To be, or not to be: that is the question.'") and the story ("金笔点龙") kept me guessing too. So much brain work going on!
If anything happened to my grades this sem, it would have to be due to this drama. ("Excuses.")

'大东' is better, at least the character seems real and alive! (Reminds me of the other Virgo in 5566.) And 吴尊 appeared in the last episode as the most powerful 'KO.1'. Cool! The 2 of them plus 唐禹哲 & Ella are together again in a new drama Hanakimi! Ahrr!

It's weird that I don't have many Virgo friends around. Pisces don't attract Virgo? Instead I have so many Pisces friends around. And I understand that when Pisces and Pisces got together, the world will go 没完没了, because we are such indecisive animals. From my experience living with a Libra and a Sagi, Libra is boring; and the Sagi is one great MCP! Boo, life alone is still the best. I still like my 永远不会分手的 Gemini.
心情好or心情坏 有什么好假装
反正天若真的塌下来 我自己扛
天气好or天气坏 有什么好紧张
反正下一秒钟的我 开始 开始流浪-Penny
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