Suddenly got an idea on what I can do after graduation... Well I may even do it before I graduate. I shall open a Production Shop near SDE, ...

Bad Week

What a big shock to start the week! Early in the morning, I realized my CLAIM-ABLE receipt worth $22.60 is missing! What the hell! Only one ...

9 段我爱的歌词

想不到为什么会在这里 又想去哪里 越懂得多 越不满意 越喜欢回忆 《月黑风高》陈奕迅 后来的我们一直都遇不上 仿佛都在避开某一些地方 在人群中都走得特别匆忙 怕一不小心就认出对方 《后来的我们》品冠 因为我不在乎 别人怎么说 我从来没有忘记我 对自己的承诺 对爱的执著 《我的未来...


Have been wanting to share my affection for this show for a long time. It has drawn to an end last Friday. The results were out a fortnight ...

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

OP is a 2-hour long trailer. For the impatient, it may be good news. But for almost all avid readers, it is a flop. I simply hate it when de...

The Incredibles

I worked till 10pm today. But I’m not tired at all. I’m hyper! If the office isn’t so bloody hell faraway from my home, I’d have stayed till...

S.H.E 《借口》 MV

真的有够瞎的。 连“周董”都是假的。 算过了歌词中的33首歌名,现在是来算算看MV中陈伯村装扮了几个“周董”了吧? 败笔就在假发太假,胡须太over了。好像有点变成“李小龙”。 还有“外婆”太年轻,眼皮不够单。 Hebe还是超漂亮 - 放电嘞。。。 杰伦要来新加坡了!!!等到变成...

9 Things about AVID

We wear black every Monday Nobody is on time for work Nobody leave office at 6pm Everybody speak Cantonese (except me) We always hear ‘____ ...

Secret 《不能说的秘密》

不能说的秘密 这是一个关于一个男生和一个女生的音乐爱情故事。 伦从小与当教师的父亲相依为命。转学到父亲任教的学校的第一天,伦跟着同学依参观校园时,被琴室里传出的一阵钢琴声所吸引。弹琴者是一位清秀脱俗的女生雨,也是他的同班同学。 冒失的雨上课时总是迟到,故常被迫和坐在后排的伦坐在一...

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