Watched 3 movies in March and 1 today. Three were rather impulsive, as in I went to watch them alone. And I was glad that I’ve watched them.
The earliest one is an award winning Korean movie “Miryang” (Secret Sunshine).

It is very slow-paced and is over 2 hours, about a woman losing her only son and finding condolence after accepting God. But she was traumatized when she learnt that God has forgiven her son’s murderer before she did, and she lost herself. The plot is simple, but the movie is made very implicit and intricate. Especially the later parts when she did all the absurd things she can to challenge the believers and to tell everybody that God is a phony.
Watched “El Orfanato” (The Orphanage) with Zin, Crystal-girl and Zin-brother.

For once, I thought Spanish sounds somewhat similar to Russian, with reference to “Eastern Promises”. The plot hovers constantly around whether the house is haunted and the whereabouts of little Simon. I find the scavenger hunt very interesting and it turns out to be an important component of the plot. The shock discovery at the end was quite a pain to watch, when Laura realized she had caused Simon’s death. And the house itself deserves 80% of all the scary factors.

The 3rd one “第一诫” was a reward that I gave myself after getting the go-ahead signal in my design from Uma. I had 2 choices at VivoCity GV that day, “第一诫” and “Crows ZERO” (Oguri!) But one starts in an hour’s time and the other in 2 hours’ time. So I went to watch the alleged crappy “第一诫”.
There are many many little things that are added to make the story meaningful (cliché, in my words). Especially the supposedly spine of the movie
“Rule #1: there is no ghost in this world”. And the mysterious police department with only 2 members, who seemed unconcerned but in fact know a lot. Unfortunately, as I said, they are too cliché, because I saw glimpses of many other shows in this single one. For example the secret police department that settles all supernatural cases is a lift from HK’s
2002. And the partnership of a veteran detective and a rookie is like 千机变 The Twins Effect.
Plus, I hate seeing 郑伊健 being portrayed as a rugged old man! 陈浩南 and 聂风 used to be very cool back then, why did he end up with these roles nowadays?
The last one “Untraceable” is not quite up to my expectation.

I even clicked into before watching it! But what I got in cinema is what I saw on the trailer, no big deal. And the ending is too isolated from the movie genre. I thought the case will be settled intelligently (think Deathnote) since the entire investigation was an intellectual challenge between the criminal and the cyber-police. But it all ends up brawl and no brain, plus a lot of SAW-look-alike scenes.

The fat 小强 found in my room one early morning. This is what I did to it. Initially, I wanted to slot the lid under it to seal the container. But it wet the paper I slot under. I don’t know whether I crashed it or what, so I decided to masking tape the container on the paper instead. And I dragged it outside my room and closed the door. Hahahaha…

The trusses are up!
DP Architects' Orchard Central

Attended a talk by Samson last month about DP’s work, OC is one of them. And I’m so looking forward to see it completed! A first-of-its-kind 11-storey shopping mall! Like a Singapore’s version of Langham Place! Exciting!

Don’t know what the hell the gigantic I-sections are for. How the hell did the concept of Orchard garden evolve into such outer-space structures?
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