I’ve disconnected from Japanese dramas for ages, except for the duper random 'Hero 2' that I caught last October; and 'Galileo' that I decided to catch up this May after 2 years. The real real last J-drama that I’ve watched before them is … gosh … I cannot recall. Maybe it’s the 'Hana Kimi' era … or the 'Nodame' generation … or perhaps 'Nobuta' ... It has been THAT long ago. I used to watch J-drama regularly for the actors/genre. Like in 2007/2008, all my youth in the studio was spent eating sawdust and watching the young bods in Japanese school uniforms, as I marathoned Matsumoto … Oguri … Kamenashi … Yamapi … (OS: I was so amazed with myself (I’m such an interesting human being) that I could say Matsumoto Jun’s name when I saw his giant poster in Shibuya, Tokyo, in May 2015, that Lina was staring at me with a weird look.)

Anyways, '5-ji Kara 9-ji Made' (From Five to Nine) caught my attention recently because of a post on Weibo. (OS: This account always post live updates of on-going Korean dramas that through maybe 3 paragraphs every week, I can understand the plot of a 60-episode drama without watching a second of it.) I think I was attracted to it for its manga origins. Oh~ those stupid 三條線 faces and 死魚 eyes. I wish I always have those cartoon faces in my hand (literally) when I want to express my roll-eyeball-ness. Secondly, of course it’s for Yamapi! I think I have sort of forgotten that I used to love him so much. (OS: Just like how I have loved Andy Lau in my 少女時代 and totally forgot about it until recently …) (Oh I really loved many people in my life.)
And after 10 years, I still think Yamapi looks hot! Despite the No. 1 and only one expression. Haha~ I guess Akira-kun’s goofy looks are his extreme already. Anyway, because I have been disconnected from J-drama for so long it is a jolt in my sense to suddenly see a familiar face in the ‘new drama’ list.
And so … I went on to read the drama synopsis on the chinese social media, and the title translation totally cracked me up! It is called 帥氣和尚愛上我 (literally ‘Handsome Monk Falls For Me’). Omg! It totally sounds like some ladies’ porn that Cheon Song-yi will read in her pajamas! (OS: check out 'You From Another Star') And then my curious finger pressed the link to the chinese subbed manga. (OS: I am utterly grateful that I am bilingual!) Omg! Those silly faces! And 霸道總裁 plot-lines! And the alpha-female is a Mary Sue! And now that I have watched the drama trailer, I cannot un-see Yamapi’s face as the suave monk! Waha!!!
(OS 1: I can't believe Yamapi is 30 years old this year! When I first watched him in 'Long Love Letter' he was still such a youthful teenager. Oh well~)
(OS 2: And can you believe that he is 1 month & 1 day YOUNGER than me?!)
(OS 3: F**k!)

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