Friend A (who is actually not shy to admit being the inconsiderate 4%) commented she doesn’t like to move to the back because those who want to alight always push her and she has to give way. =.=”
Then Friend B commented that inconsiderate people (generally) are very irritating.
So Friend A took it personal and wrote a long paragraph (on my FB photo =.=”) about seeing more single deck buses on the road compared to double-deck, assuming that the running cost of single deck is lesser than double deck (like she know right?), about transport operators receiving government subsidies to acquire more trains and buses, reporting healthy profit and still increasing the fare. And she ended with “go blame the govt please. Period.”
*Well, first, I am simply annoyed with people who use “period” to end a speech.* And excuse me, IT IS MY FB PHOTO!
Second, we are talking about moving to the back of a bus - humanity, psychology! How did the Government get involved in the blaming game? It is not as if getting more (and larger capacity) buses on the road will solve the problem because that is NOT the problem now! It is about the responsibility and self-motivation to utilize the existing resources in the most efficient way - packing more passengers into the regular bus service. Getting more buses on the road that are <75% occupied is under-utilization and is a contradiction to the purpose of public transport! When the end-users refuse to realize their responsibility and blame the Government endlessly for all kinds of ridiculous things under the sky, we are facing a serious social problem. And then Friend B tried to put out the fire (though it’s not her fault) and even messaged me privately to ask what’s wrong with my friend (A). That was when I got totally embarrassed to have such a friend with such distorted and insensitive mind-set. Last week, that embarrassing friend updated her status on FB that a “weird looking Chinese (PRC) douchebag” just took a photo of her in the public library. She’s actually just a photo away from becoming a national disgrace like Jesslyn Tan.
Is it really appropriate for one to judge and call others names? And with the stereotypical connotations, I always want to know what the purpose of expressing such words is? To sow discord? To self-victimize? To state one’s self-worth/value/status? Or just to gain some sympathetical attention over the social media?
In this virtual friend circle where interaction are all passive, and self-centre, we all become judgmental and all the more isolated. Just like while I'm speaking of this friend that I have, writing every negative thing that I have inferred from the few interactions that we have and her monologue, I am judging her without hearing her side of the argument.
And so I said, real friends don't wish you Happy Birthday over FB. If there is any sincerity in their wishes.

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