Date : 30 July 2011, Saturday
Time : 8.00 pm
Venue : Bukit Jalil Putra Indoor Stadium

VVIP (Blue) – RM588
VIP A (Pink) – RM488
VIP B (Yellow) – RM388
Royal Box (Red) – Complimentary seats
Lower Deck (Orange) – RM328
Upper Deck (Baby Blue) - RM228
Corner Lots (Purple) – RM148
由 Unusual Productions 及 Star Planet 星艺娱乐联合主办,《Loud Festival 闹哄哄音乐节》将于7月30日,晚上8点,假 Putra 室内体育馆大卡士登场!本人現在是處於舉雙手要去的狀態。畢竟不管是蘇打綠或杰倫來大馬開唱,我都會去。更何況現在他們還會同台(使用同一個舞台)。我當然要去!
《Loud Festival 闹哄哄音乐节》将会是本年度最有看头的一场演出,由亚洲天王周杰伦领军, 连同人气乐团苏打绿,性感舞后温岚及创作才女袁咏琳首度同台飚歌,新鮮即富号召力的艺人組合配搭,可谓是乐坛难得一遇的拉阔盛事。音乐节的策划及整体的曲目编排上都是费尽心思,这场将近3小时的大型演出,除了个人精彩演唱的部分以外,还将出现 crossover,务必提供给观众更多元化,更多的音乐享受。
09年袁咏琳发行个人第一张《袁咏琳 Cindy Yen》专辑,守波主打歌是由周董与小师妹 Cindy 袁咏琳合唱一曲“画沙”。并在各大K歌排行榜聚首榜首。此外,袁咏琳更在大师兄周杰伦世界巡演中担任表演嘉宾。
《Loud Festival 闹哄哄音乐节》门票将于5月14日全国公开发售,您可透过 Star Planet 办公室或 TicketCharge 指定授权销售柜台购票,除此,您也可通过网站选购门票。任何有关演唱会详情,可拨电至
星艺娱乐办公室 03-92233667 或 TicketCharge 03-92228811 或浏览 www.unusual.com.sg / www.ticketcharge.com.my
Let's go!

Malaysia being the first stop of
Jointly organized by Unusual Productions and Star Planet, this upcoming
Being acclaimed as one of Asia’s best selling recording artistes Jay Chou continues his reign in the Mando-pop world and has a great influence over the young generation. The undisputed Taiwanese king of R&B recently celebrated his 10 years in show biz with magnificent sell-out shows themed “The Era” World Tour across the globe.
Soda Green, a Taiwanese independent folk-rock-pop band emerged in the Taiwanese indie music scene after receiving the Grand Jury Award in the Hohaiyan Gongliau Rock Festival in 2004. In 2006, the band received nominations for the Best Music Arrangement and Best Band awards in the prestigious 17th Golden Melody Awards. The band is especially prominent for its main vocalist-songwriter Qing-Feng, who stands out with his unique literary, performing style and wide vocal range.
Landy Wen is one of the few Taiwanese aborigines to become a musical star well-loved for her rich vocal, energetic dance actions and exhilarating showmanship. Whereas, Cindy Yen, a multi-talented Taiwanese singer is beyond dispute a newcomer with firm music talent & her arrival in the music industry has already created a huge stir! Her debut album is mainly built upon R&B, spiced with popular elements such as rock, metal and electronics.
The ticket launch for
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