Plurk - October

Sunday, November 1, 2009 0 comment
akira8385 loves the photos from Dan Jiang School! yup i have blog about the trip.. in a funny way.. haha [23:33]
akira8385 says i've finished painting my room! without shifting anything out of it! going to put them back into position tmr! [23:07]

akira8385 說 我辦公室剛剛被雷劈 ,停電一下下。。可是又不能提早去吃飯 。。 [11:58]
akira8385 says TGIF! I've got so much to do over the weekends! Let's countdown now! [07:10]

akira8385 說 我想聽 狂人日記 陳奕迅 [23:14]
akira8385 說 我想聽 狂人日記 [23:12]
akira8385 says i blog today! seriously, i'm quite amazed i am able to squeeze so many subjects into one post and they all sum up to the same post title. [20:48]

akira8385 分享 小威飛機餐事件再現! [17:23]
akira8385 is back to restaurant city because cdix2 is back too. [10:14]
akira8385 shares my 6 sodazines! actually i haven't finish reading any of them except no.4 which is a photobook.. [01:24]
akira8385 shares scan from sodazine 2 / 3.5 years ago / a-gong cdix2 is damn dashing! [00:19]

akira8385 shares 《畫沙MV》 奇怪一直想到《給我一首歌的時間MV》 [22:12]
akira8385 我要去看小隊長! OH YEAH! [21:57]
akira8385 loves jay on his cello again! Hua Sha MV news [21:52]
akira8385 說 等待下班 去領取蘇打志2! [15:42]

akira8385 says 俊杰哥 is such notty! he tried to wriggle out of my arms! hmph! [23:24]
akira8385 I missed my sodazine 2 when it was delivered on Sat! 2 more days get it from the post office!! [15:05]

akira8385 says don't even feel like plurking this weekend... omg my karma dropped! [23:39]

akira8385 分享 何謂生老病死?生得要好,老得要慢,病得要晚,死得要快。Born to a good family / age slowly / fall sick late in life / die swiftly. [20:02]
akira8385 is glad that people at jay2u are waking with the new track from jay we have slack too long! [00:36]

akira8385 shares jay's latest duet with JVRmusic's 1st newcomer, Cindy Yen 袁咏琳 《画沙》listen to it [21:43]

akira8385 百忙中任性地丟下工作去看NyLas。Arny是不錯看,Labi是不錯聽,黃玠是不錯笑。但是 [22:47]
akira8385 says never undermine the power of water. [16:53]
akira8385 I feel bad for clever kids. Can’t imagine some will have to attend NJC for 6 years. Gasp! [16:05]
akira8385 just found some new stuffs on plurk! happy! [01:55]
akira8385 說 我想聽 愛在波希米亞 [01:20]
akira8385 tomorrow is work-outdoor day. Hope it's not scorching hot or humid. Damn~ I hate the weather! [00:08]

akira8385 i sensed i'm landing myself to do saigang on 20 dec.. my jay.. are you doing your music properly?? [22:50]
akira8385 i've not blog for 2 months, but am plurking everyday.. haiz.. [12:16]

akira8385 说 從耳機裡聽五月天的DNA特別地HIGH! [12:20]
akira8385 说 aunty!这本书是我花自己的钱买的!上面写着我的大名!我只是好心借给你参考而已,你竟然在里面乱画乱粘post-it?(就是没胆不敢大声说出来。) [08:58]
akira8385 分享 本月底,gary將到洛杉磯幫jay錄新專輯,患難真情就是這樣。(19-10-2009) [03:11]
akira8385 覺得 。。。。。 [02:47]
akira8385 Dionysus had come and gone with the red afterglow [02:02]
akira8385 Dionysus let it rain without reason, all the indulgent desire had been unbuttoned. [02:01]
akira8385 Dionysus walked across the tropic of cancer, his pain and ecstasy is on fire. [02:00]
akira8385 說 我要點播 紅色向日葵 [00:53]
akira8385 正在 把河道上的照片换成殺氣騰騰的六人~酷喔! [00:27]

akira8385 曾經 在中學時學的"酒逢知己千杯少,話不投機半句多"又應驗了! [23:57]
akira8385 says it's my brother's birthday this week. but we are all busy buying presents for his son. kekeke~~ [09:31]
akira8385 says i have a proper bed but i just like to sleep by the table and on the chair.. [01:32]

1 akira8385 says the coffeeshop at my place was featured on tv last week. now i have to go down at 5pm to get a seat to have dinner.. [21:33]
2 akira8385 說 幫我點播 追追追 [00:41]

3 akira8385 分享 鄉民煽動林老板中。多可愛呀~ [12:52]
4 akira8385 分享 有打粉在批踢踢猜測第三張與第四張專輯的名稱。"秋·月光"。"冬/狂冷"。 [12:26]
5 akira8385 今天去了愛琴海@MDLiveCafe。大爆滿!點了全世界失眠。心情客棧很幽默。臨走前還坳到了小情歌當壓軸曲。 [02:07]

6 akira8385 說 我的蘇打志2要上飛機了!! [10:32]

7 akira8385 thinks it's time to go home!! office is not hotel tonight! [20:53]
8 akira8385 覺得 最近認識了很多拜金女,原來我也差不多。 [16:17]
9 akira8385 says i waiting for the gigantic crane in front of my window to fall on our shophouse~ kill me! [15:55]
akira8385 說 在聽卡夫卡不插電 ,好催眠喔。。 [14:19]
akira8385 說 幫我點播 神的小羊 [12:19]
akira8385 says i am going hong kong! but it's next april.. omg~ so long away.. [00:53]

akira8385 wants hong kong hong kong hong kong hong kong hong kong hong kong hong kong hong kong hong kong [03:44]

akira8385 說 嚇死了。。剛剛發現我出國時,同事幫我印電郵,竟然把我朋友的自拍照給印出來!幸好老板沒看到。。 [11:16]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 搬家 奇哥 [10:20]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 elmo song [02:04]
akira8385 生力 Wild Day Out Grand Show 2009 萬人戶外「萬聖節」音樂派對 WOW DAY OUT [01:59]

akira8385 is putting my sight further next year~~~ can i tour rome/florence/milan/venice??? [14:21]
akira8385 says oyasumi nasai~~~ [04:07]
akira8385 says i'm still doing photoshop for office!! yawn~~ [01:07]

akira8385 說 如果你看不出新舊漆的連接處,那我就成功了! [23:37]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 彩虹 羽泉 [23:16]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 彩虹 梁靜茹 [23:01]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 彩虹 五月天 [23:00]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 彩虹 杜德偉 [22:29]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 彩虹 動力火車 [22:28]
akira8385 says 幫我點播 彩虹 [22:19]
akira8385 just mixed 2 cans of paints to match my extg wall colour. omg i'm a genius! [12:36]

akira8385 说 今天从床底下扫出了沉淀了2.5年的尘埃 - 厚的像SOBA面条 [22:17]
akira8385 mushroomee mamiworm next fri 16/10 meet at marina square! needa tell josephine & wenli? [20:23]

akira8385 heard sodagreen’s fever on my colleague’s radio this morning. it’s an excitement higher than listening to it from my own player. [09:55]
akira8385 问 籤 本小姐今年能把債還清嗎?一干二淨的清! [02:02]
akira8385 觉得 如果我的技能就是我自己(不是賣身,我是賣ideas的),那麼搬到台北應該找得到工作吧?-半夢半醒中定下的心願。 [01:54]

akira8385 覺得 要匯個款去內地好麻煩喔。什麼時候才能拿到蘇打志2? [15:30]
akira8385 says 炎熱的夏天就這麼過去了 [10:57]
akira8385 says jay is coming sg on 20 dec to promote 'the treasure hunter'. excitement level: 0 (shrugs) i only love the music-making jay [00:43]

akira8385 has got my first fan on plurk. and i think the main reason is i plurked in english. so thrilled~~ [16:03]
akira8385 我媽說明年要我帶她去香港。真是有品味! [08:57]
akira8385 愛上了趴在桌上睡覺的感覺。現在正在電腦前聽催眠曲。 [01:09]

akira8385 说 剛剛想起,原來我會把房間漆成綠色,多半也是受到了青峰的影響。 [14:58]
akira8385 问 籤 can i complete my site walk tomorrow? [12:36]
akira8385 my calendar for october is totally empty! because i am too busy to even write the items down... [09:03]

akira8385 says anybody heard of \"Darah\" before? So damn bloody can? And it looks Thai. [19:12]
akira8385 搞屁呀,读到都哭了~ [11:44]
akira8385 昨晚偷錄了小隊長的新歌"哦耶"不過卻狀況連連(大笑) [11:13]

akira8385 刚刚在博客来预购了不合时宜 [15:11]
akira8385 如果不是有人頭殼壞掉把自己的人生賭上去了,你會有驕傲的國片、棒球、音樂嗎? [00:53]

akira8385 可以回家看威克立104期了! [17:55]
akira8385 等待下班ing [17:18]
akira8385 问 有多少人被热死? [16:11]

akira8385 好丑喔! [00:39]

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