Selling on eBay

This is the first time that there are people fighting over my selling itmes on eBay. Not one but two items at the same time. It is also weir...


星期三,等了又等。终于收到「Freshmusic」邮寄来的「春·日光」,「日光」单曲,「苏打志05」。 不想多作评语。毕竟写什么都已经不主观了。被蒙蔽的五官,眼里只有绿色,耳里只有天籁声。 你看连一向标榜「不安分!不妥协!不巴结!」的「Freshmusic」乐评都为「春·日光」打...

Sodagreen is MAD

这一集「百万大歌星」苏打绿又更上一层楼的random。终于有个通告重点不是放在青峰的身上了。好像大家都病入膏肓,神经失常了。阿龚也太over了啦!不过他们宣传也没有很忙吧,阿龚还有空玩Restaurant City耶。 还有出题也太难了吧,都是第二段才出来的。 太不公平了! ...

Restaurant City & Farm Town

How I wish my work can go as smoothly as my games. This afternoon, I slept through the leap to Level 27 in Restaurant City . It's the hi...


诶,对! 演唱会名称就是 「创造DNA」 已经预购门票的地球人,记得从5月24号 (星期天) 起,去 Singapore Indoor Stadium / IMM / VivoCity / Hougang Mall 选择座位! Date: 28 & 29 Aug 2009...


「第二十届金曲奖」流行音乐奖项入围名单: 最佳年度歌曲奖:稻香《魔杰座》 最佳国语专辑奖:《魔杰座》 最佳音乐录影带奖:魔术先生《魔杰座》(导演:周杰伦) 最佳作曲人奖:周杰伦/稻香《魔杰座》 最佳作词人奖:周杰伦/稻香《魔杰座》 最佳编曲人奖:钟兴民/魔术先生《魔杰座》 最佳国...

Angels & Demons

Angels & Demons is quite a disappointment. In the novel, the progression is packed. In the movie, it turned out to be rushed. There are...

Sydney Concert

I AM SO VERY FREAKING TEMPTED TO ATTEND THIS! Then I can go and visit Crystal in the same trip! Best is if Crystal can go south to attend th...

Escuela De Memorias

I had a big dream last night. Not big in ambition, but big in scale and details. Saw many faces, and recalled many names. I was enrolled i...

大师兄 生日快乐

2009-1976=33 1976/5/9 中國年生肖屬龍 人肉鼓機.人稱『大師兄』 1976歌曲『右外野手』發想人 表演時常常身在樂團後面 卻難以忽視,最酷的鼓手 林雨霖 生日了啦!


Ever since I got back from Taipei, my life has been work, sleep and 「Restaurant City」. This evil addiction is even worst than 「Viwawa」! It m...

Restaurant City: Level 17

On top of all the cadding, site inspections, KTV, movies, bowling, mahjong, museum(ing), PPStream(ing), Sodagreen(ing), I finally hit 50.0 P...

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