The SLP banner is still surviving. Today. Hope that I won't have to bother about them anymore.

Went by the (former) Arts canteen on A1 this morning and realized the usual brick buildings were gone already. Demolition is fast! And feng-ge actually didn't even know that Arts canteen is no more already.
Day 3 of semester, we were at Fort Canning for the second time. "熟能生巧" was how I described ourselves. Despicable at times but "combining forces" is always the most economic and intelligent strategy in all fields.

Hey NO! Widodo won't, he's such a slacker... OBL? WYC? Or the new Haryati? Ahya, nobody will bother la! Environment is full of slackers.
Really loved rachael! She's incredible! Embezzling confidential stuffs for us from ******, and still agreed to help do the sai-gang a.k.a. compilation. I want to kidnap her and bring her home! Teehee!

Went Funan to eat and gossip about the politics in the department, people having too much money and time to spare... Then feng-ge was very nice too, covering lina's night work on site so that she can go 'shopping' @ BBC with me. No I don't want to kidnap feng-ge I just want his money. :D
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