step 2: cut out the shapes using a wood saw in the workshop

step 3: sand the edges with sandpaper at a corner away from your own workplace

(polished wood)

(assemble on the drawing)

step 4: cut out grooves to fit the columns

step 5: measure and cut round sticks into desirable lengths as the columns

step 6: glue them on

step 7: install the furniture (rangers' wing)

step 8: install the terrace (instruction wing)

(instruction wing with columns)

(exhibition wing)

(circulation ring)

(complete floor)

step 9: testing of roof materials (1. brown paper)

step 9: testing of roof materials (2. cardboard)

step 9: testing of roof materials (3. base wood)

step 10: install the roof

Final model (before concussion)

Final model (for submission)

~~ end of lesson ~~
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