Because you can never imagine how situations will turn and stare back at you.
So many years ago (actually only in 2013, duh), when I first got to know of EXO with those retro school yearbook mugshots, I thought omg these are just 12 duplicated faces right? And they really made me suspected that I have prosopagnosia/face blindness.
(Do not expect me to list down the 12 names here, I still do not know all of them now.)
Over the years, I did not even try to keep track of how many members are left in the group. Although occasionally I will watch some shows, and discovered that oh this guy is part of EXO. Period.

Like I watched I Remember You, for those 3 psychopaths. And there was a Kyung-soo cameo in the flashbacks as the younger version of the main psycho. But well, you know, I started this drama for Bo-gum, there was no space for the cameo.
Like I watched the Lotte 7 First Kisses clips, where I definitely was able to recognise all the 6 males leads, just except Kai whom I need to google a bit. Oh this guy is part of EXO. He looked like Shinee's Tae-min. And he was dating labelmate f(X)'s Krystal.

Like when I was very skeptical when Korea announced that they will be remaking China's 步步驚心, with IU and an all flower-boy cast. First of all, I have very good memories of watching C's BBJX, back when I took a year's hiatus from work in 2012 and was able to binge the iconic drama. And I really loved all the brothers' character settings, including the bad ones. So when the announcement came about, I was eagerly reading up who would be playing the respective brothers in the K version. During that time, I knew Ha-neul, Joong-gi and Hong Jong-hyun. But to me, Ji-soo, Joo-hyuk and EXO's Baekhyun are just faces. And I was really skeptical that IU would be able to pull off such a pivotal role in this story that spans decades. So with a prejudiced heart, I gave up Scarlet Heart: Gyeo. But I did not regret it.

Like when the trailer for Missing 9 was released, it looked so promising, the setting, the cinematic colour palette, and particularly the number 9. And within the nine persons stranded on the deserted island is a tall cute supersta4, who got killed early in the drama, in a WTF-ly way. So WTF that I just gave up to the entire show. Let's mourn in silent for cute Chanyeol.
Like some of the OST in high profile dramas, with the singers info as:
Chanyeol with Punch in Goblin OST
Chen with Punch in Descendants of the Sun OST
Oh, there are EXO.
Like I heard the '你有freestyle吗?' all over social media. And got to know of the originator as the one (of the three) who deflected, I mean nulled, his contract with SM and continued to strive in his homeland China. Very brave man, Kris/Wu Yi Fan.

Like I watched Along With the Gods, for my ajusshi crush. And there was the critical kid who moved the plot but never appeared in any of the film promotions. Got to keep fingers crossed if there is a part 3, since *you know what happened at the end of part 2* to the character played by Kyung-soo.

Like I stalk the Jo In-sung clique social medias. And there is this maknae Kyung-soo who just blended into the most gorgeous celebrities cliques ever, including Joong-ki, Woo-bin, Jo In-sung, Kwang-soo etc.

This autumn, D.O./Kyung-soo starred in his first major drama, 100 Days My Prince, on tvN. I am quite a sucker for tvN dramas. But my subscribed tvN channel does not air it, and there is no strong pull for me to watch this. Even reading on DB was an on-and-off affair since September. Until the kiss scene came about. And you know what, I was more interested with all those EXO related comments below the video posted by tvN instead. I sort of am able to imagine how this reaction would turn out in the dormitory already, without even knowing the faces.
And then the drama casts fulfilled a viewership promise by putting up a dance. And it struck me that hey this guy who's teaching them the dance is part of EXO. And I needa google to know that this is one of their earliest song 'Growl'.
So I searched and watched the original 'Growl' MV and comeback videos. And then 'Monster'. And then 'Call Me Baby'. And then 'satansoo'. And then 'squishy penguin'. And then 'angel voice'.
And ALL THOSE COMMENTS that focused on D.O./Kyung-soo's (lack of) hair.
And here I am, 2 weeks later, being able to recognise around 6 members of the current 9-member EXO by face.
And there was this Music Bank episode where D.O./Kyung-soo was standing beside host Bo-gum with his members. The height difference was quite unexpected. And off-hand I googled that they are actually same-age.

For a while, I wished these two will act together. Then I realised that they have already been in I Remember You! But why didn't I recall seeing them together?
Because Kyung-soo was only in the flashbacks; and Bo-gum was the older psycho's adopted son.
A. C.
So now I sincerely wished that these two 93-ers can be in the same scene in the same film soon! With all the evil eyes and awkward smiles and angel voices! Please~~~
↑ the video where I started to recognise Chen & Xiumin

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