2.5 months after I have returned from thesis and all I have done is a TOP application and some brainless cadding. Am I not proactive to get more works? Or is the company ok to employ a MArch graduate to do cadding? I am puzzled too. Maybe it’s due to the blunder I made early this year, for I am always jumping into conclusion, so I tend to do the wrong things when I tried to handle things myself. On the other hand, why do I need to jump into conclusion if the bosses can have better concept of time management and organization?!
The office underwent a renovation early this year, replacing all furniture and taking the chance to dump all the archive and obsolete papers. The space is totally free of clutter now, which I loved! And the talking over the low partitions is also making the space more interactive and friendly. But I guess the bosses are still delusional that the changes in office premise will bring about better productivity and teamwork. They failed see that what makes the difference is the people and not the space. Taking an example, there was a afternoon when big boss witnessed some colleague having Mac party at the pantry. And he sat his butt down with them and started to tell his old grandfather stories. The following Friday, he forced the entire office to have Mac, which was just awkward and torturous. If you have known me in the past 10 years, you’ll know how it just made me one step away from the best fries in the world. And incidentally, that day was Friday the 13th.
It is common sense for a company to communicate internally, which is exactly what we always complain lacking from our consultants. Unfortunately, we do not do so ourselves. With only less than 35 staffs, we are still fragmented and do not know what others are doing beyond our own team. Worst example was an incident when a department rejected our submission and returned our processing fee via cheque without notice. Our finance received the cheque and went ahead to bank in without enquiring its source or purpose. In the end, the submission team sat on the case with no reply for a month until the officer informed that the fee has been refunded. It was an embarrassment for the office and a waste of precious time. All because there was no interaction amongst the staffs.
Similar to the operational fragmentation, there are also countless distrust cases. Like there is a senior staff who has been keeping important information like office benefits, office standards to herself without disseminating to the staffs. It took me 14 months to find out that we have dental benefits and health-check benefits. It took me 14 months to find out the cut-off time to be eligible to claim for taxi fare. Worst is I learnt of all these through my lunch companions who just ganged up and pointed fingers at that senior staff one random afternoon. So much for being in the same company but speaking behind each others back.
In conclusion, it's time to leave.

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