From the FC forum:
i'm never a fan of his 中國風, cos the lyrics & philosophy are too chim for me to comprehend, though i'm very impressed that year after year, he is able to come up with a different melody with just 5 notes on the music scale.
in recent years i like the weird genre songs. they are always the surprises that shut the mouths of those critics with baseless allegations - ie. the 江郎才盡 joke. this album has got 2 weird genres - 公公偏頭痛 & 比較大的大提琴. i put them on repeat for a while, and then they die down - like fireworks to me. maybe 5 years later i will listen to them again, but i won't put them on repeat.
on many radio interviews recently, he keep repeating that he wrote lyrics for 4 songs in this album. nothing special at first but when i picked out the lyrics, then i realized it's like a reflection of his life now. 手語/烏克麗麗/大笨鐘. so very mushy, childish and sweet. (哪裡都是你 is sad though, i think it ties with the movie plot) yet they are so 生活化 that i can only conclude (1) his imagination has improved tremendously, or (2) they are his real life stories.
ok, now i reveal my favorite song to be 手語. cos there is an overwhelming pool of elements in this 4:48min track. i like the 'ai-yo', the way he change his voice between the verse and the chorus (like a boy trying to act tough like a chauvinist), the lyrics analogy of left hand-right hand on the piano. they are all so Jay Chou. which even 10 years down the road nobody can ever remake this song. (eg. when Jay sang 淘汰, which he wrote for Eason, it became Jay's 淘汰. but when you listen to the original track by Eason, it's just pure Eason without any trace of Jay.)
btw, the MV i'm looking forward to is also 手語. though 愛你沒差 stole a few of my tears when i first watched it~~~