Jurong East Modification Project (JEMP)

A few gigantic trees were chopped down. It is more difficult to flag down taxi from the roadside. But safer to walk along the roadside p...


最近發的惡夢都不是蓋的 通過個不明管道看到杰倫拉著LARA的手在台上蹦蹦跳跳到處亂跑 然後杰倫突然興起開始唱老蕭的《夜太美》 但KEY太高唱到破音 雨勳老師還出聲幫忙降KEY伴奏 回到現實(夢裡)的房裡 看到遠方在放煙火 想起原來今天是跨年夜 而我...

OPUS 12: Review

From the FC forum: i'm never a fan of his 中國風, cos the lyrics & philosophy are too chim for me to comprehend, though i'm very i...

Fanclub chores

熟能生巧 = 做熟了真的就會靈巧 (咦? Google Drive did wonders this time, eliminating a lot of the time for collating and counting. And I breezed through t...

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