Lord of the Cards

I got free movie tickets from Standard Chartered! Was quite surprised to see that they come in a pre-paid card. And more thrilled that it is...

LF is drained

I am NOT doing fine. I have TONS to do but I am always distracted. I have a BIG headache and I can't sleep!

凤儿上台北: 遗憾篇

其实此行台北游也并不是全然完美的。间中还是包含了些遗憾,促使我有「再来」的推动力。 1. 因为行程摆得太满,只有时间光顾「Mr. J」吴兴街二号店。错过了「Mr. J」光复南路一号店。 2. 在淡水那一天,凤儿吹海风因该是吹呆了头壳,竟然在公车上睡着了,然后又迷迷糊糊地搭上了返西...

苏打绿 「春·日光」

Strange things occur. And it did twice to me. Should I be proud or should I be more puzzled? I have got my "Friend Request" accept...

Summer Blockbuster

"17 Again" marks the beginning of my movie spree this summer! Zac Efron is cute! Uber cute! 29 April 2009 Up next shall be "X...

LF visits Taipei: Taipei 101

For that whole afternoon when I was in Taipei 101, I was wondering why I have no common sense for so many years, believing that the Taiwanes...


有点难过。 有点震惊。 有点怀疑。 但,唱这歌的人,确实已经离开了。 《叶子》- 阿桑 4月6日讯 据台湾东森新闻网最新报道,曾经演唱过《寂寞在唱歌》、《叶子》的歌手“阿桑”,因为去年十月罹患乳癌末期,在4月6日早上八点半,病逝于新店慈济医院,年仅34岁。 本名黄嬿璘的阿桑,今年...

凤儿上台北: 美食篇

逛夜市第一规则:人龙约长越好吃。 出发前,请拟定一份清单,写下你要吃的小吃,免得错过任何美食!如果对小吃有一点的认识,还可以更用功点将小吃分类成主餐,零食,饮料,甜点,以免吃爆了肚子。 吃到爽毙了!

凤儿上台北: 小猪是八大三哥

说说上台北后的一些琐事。 之前看过一集《娱乐百分百》的莱芙,小猪声明他不是八大电视台的'一哥'。'一哥'是'小叮当','二哥'是'哈特力',所以充其量他只能当'三哥'。原本以为是电视台...

April's Fool

Youtube is so naughty! It turns everything up-side down. Haha.

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