Thanks to all who wished me happy. I am happy today because I’ve got a breakthrough in Design after talking to Vincent on Monday and it is finally approved by 'that woman'! What more can I ask for when I have 2 architects and 2 engineers to consult and 4 studiomates forfeiting their precious 4 hours with them?
Last task for SLP is just 2 days’ away! Woohoo! And it’s going to be games! Yay! Thanks to SLP piggies for celebrating my birthday just now. I know it la. Haha… seen too much of these already. Oops, do I sound old? Anyway thanks for the acting, cake and card. ^_^* I love cleaning up and throwing things! Haha... the clubroom is less cozy now. It has became very foreign to me anyway. Yah... we disowned our piglets by leaving them on the corridor.
A preview of my life in the next 33 days:
Interim CritThen I will have a long brreeeeak... Yawn...
Technology Pin-up
Archi Construction Test
6 A1 panels submission
1:100 model submission
Final Crit
External Crit
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