
凤儿以下言论绝对会被杰伦粉丝打。 呃?岂不是自己打自己? 「魔杰座」绝对不是杰伦最棒的专辑。整个专辑制作除了「魔术先生」与「乔克叔叔」符合「魔术」的主题外,整张专辑的歌曲都好像单曲制作,个别听,很好听,合起来听,乱七八糟。 尤其是「魔杰座」发行之后,杰伦异常地不务正业,又是拍电影...

苏打绿 掰歌系列1

无辜涉及的歌曲有 「日光」采茶版 「在我们之间」塞车版 「嬉戏之后」肥肉版 「异次元的玫瑰」阿纯好可怜版

Bras Basah & I

'Why so emo when you are at Bras Basah?' And I shall start with Bras Basah Complex, which I used to call 'BBC'. (Technicall...

Confined to the office

There's some good and some bad. Good is I don't have to suffer under the sun. Bad is there is actually a lot more paper work to be d...

Oh my dear thumb

I was only trying to enjoy my pasta in tomato sauce... Say hello to the sin-seh who can recognise me already! Bad! Reference: ' Oh my d...

Do you still question if you already have the answers?

两点了,还没睡。 这个周末,不必上班。帮歌迷会东奔西跑的,去了几个充满回忆的地方,搭上了新启用的地铁环线。感觉很陌生,毕竟是新建筑。 可是想到咱小小岛屿上又多了那么多事物,开始怀疑我是真的存在这土地上吗? 最近很奇怪,做了很多,却都忘了。忘了完成与否。忘了最初的目的。忘了享受过程...

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