Home Free

One day, no matter whether I am single or tied down with whoever it is, I am going to sell/give away all my earthly possessions and do...


那晚 我眼裡只有你 歡迎你們回來 (ヘ。ヘ) 看蘇打綠的演唱會 就是要 現場坐前面 和團員聊天 事後坐後面 看別人的錄影 看來我們的六角看板也製造了不少笑料 至少坐前面的 都笑到臉頰超酸的

Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Is it just my distorted perception or coincidence that this same guy has been overshadowing the main leads in 2 of the movies that I have gi...

Bourne soundtrack

"But the body isn't found" (Bourne swims away~) cue soundtrack! or... Yoo Jae Suk gave a big bow and walked out of the ...

Get ready for the end

Then we shall welcome the new beginning again. I'll be having a 46 hours whirl-wind adventure on the Taiwanese land for their most belo...


這也是在所難免的 偶而還可以樂此不倦 畢竟已經學會了旁觀者清的奧妙 晚安

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